Sunday, 22 July 2012

Freemasonry Exposed: What Every Christian Should Know

Uploaded by on Nov 13, 2009
Is Baphomet the god of Masonry?
The Masonic Foundations Of The United States
Shocking Revelations Of The Masonic Ties
Of Many Important Early USA Leaders
Study This Information Carefully.
To View This Evidence, Click On The LINK Below.

Statue of Liberty, Part 4
The Statue of Liberty (SL) was given to the U.S. by the Grand Orient Freemasons of France, who had helped bring about the French Revolution of 1789. Their Masonic lodges were infiltrated by the Illuminati, which was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt whose philosophy was "do what thou wilt." This is also what the serpent told Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the serpent represented Satan/Lucifer (praised by Masonic........
by Dennis Cuddy

One thing is quite certain: there is no absolute truth outside of the Holy Bible.

As far as E.C.F.C. is concerned, this material is quite plausible and perhaps even probable.

The patriarch of the Rothschild banking family once wrote: "Give me control over a nations economy, and I care not who writes the laws."

God would also state: "The love of money is the root of all evil?" So who's side are you rooting for now?

And we should also add, that those in the conspiracy community are also divided on certain aspects of the New World Order, so common sense and an open mind is needed to decipher the following information:

They control all organised religions (with or without clergy knowing.) The major leaders of such groups, each 'know' one another, and by enjoying membership to the Illuminati, this acts as a great cover for their more sinister motives and plans.

They created the theory of evolution, atheism, communism, anarchism and socialism; and they mock people who have bought into it by making a living from it.

An interesting and very rare quote from the Catholic Church, before Vatican II: "We [the Illuminati] have spread the spirit of revolt and false liberalism among the nations of the Gentiles so as to persuade them away from their faith and even make them ashamed of professing the precepts of their Religion and obeying the Commandments of their Church. We have brought many of them to boast of being atheists, and more than that, to glory in being descendants of the ape! We have given them new theories, impossible of realisation, such as Communism, Anarchism, and Socialism, which are now serving our purpose.... The stupid Gentiles have accepted them with the greatest enthusiasm, without realising that those theories are ours, and that they constitute our most powerful instruments against themselves" (The Catholic Gazette, Feb. 1936.)

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